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Pumpkin Season 2024

A photo of a pumpkin with Pittenweem West Shore carved into it. Detail of the carving for the above pumpkin. The weather is getting cooler and halloween decorations are appearing in the shops. That must mean it's nearly PUMPKIN SEASON! As usual, I will post my pumpkins on social media as I carve them, so keep an eye out come October! You can see some of my favourite past carves on this post , or have a look at my Instagram .  A photo of a pumpkin carving of St Monan's Kirk The above pumpkin when not lit from the inside. You can also choose to  browse my favourite past carving images on my RedBubble store . What is different about this year, is you have a chance to get your hands on a bespoke pumpkin carving for yourself! I have donated one of my carves to The Pittenweem Community Library and Information Centre as a fundraiser. Details will follow. A pumpkin carving of Pittenweem Library The above pumpkin when not lit from the inside.  

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